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➸ facebook 鏡週刊 : 哇哇哇,是潘美辰耶 2017.10.24 23:33
鏡週刊(Media/News Company in Taipei, Taiwan) 娛樂頭條 2017.10.24 05:30
【搞怪搏吸睛】激吻女友又入鏡MV 48歲潘美辰招數多 - 文|娛樂組 攝影|攝影組
除了昔日「小虎隊」陳志朋用花俏造型出新輯,48歲的潘美辰也不落人後,她送上〈好久都沒有〉MV,音樂跟MV元素多到讓人眼花撩亂,連緋聞女友Joanna Moon都入鏡參一咖。
潘美辰近期最知名的代表作,就是5月參加街頭藝人考照落榜引發熱議,為了不浪費苦學的打鼓技能,她在睽違6年的新作品〈好久都沒有〉中自然也打得火熱,17日MV曝光,潘美辰一身白衣彈著白色鋼琴、畫面唯美浪漫,加上2010年就被目擊街頭激吻的波蘭籍緋聞女友Joanna Moon現身合音、拉小提琴伴奏,乍聽以為是動人的悲催情歌。
(潘美辰與波蘭籍緋聞女友Joanna Moon於2010年被目擊街頭激吻,隔年合出《鷹與月》專輯,潘美辰新歌再度找她入鏡、合音琴瑟和鳴。(東方IC))
My note :
The author of the magazine article has just selectively chosen some comments from the mv youtube pages to fool around. We don't have to take it seriously. On the other hand, old photo though, I like it!
It is just my opinion of the song. As a matter of fact, I have no musical skill nor knowledge at all, as most of the general public do!
This music video is atmospheric and captures my imagination. PanMei's lyrics of the song are deep and meaningful to me!
I think this is a great song and this is an awesome music video. Last but not the least, Eagle Pan is forever my hero in creating her unique style of music for her fans!
Definitely THUMBS UP from me^_^ |
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