It appears that Pan Mei did not show up at the 北京音乐台<风格世界>电台直播 2006.09.22 16.30 hours. May be her schedule was too tight. She appeared for 晚上的演唱会在青岛大学体育馆 for 2006美洲杯“中国之队”明星助阵赛暨中国扬帆世界演唱会! In addition, we learn from the net that Pan Mei will do an interview 9月28日晚在北京复兴门的世纪坛演播厅录制江苏卫视《女人百分百>节目! May I request our dear webmaster 用心爱你 to amend the list of activities if the above two Pan Mei activities are confirmed with the informed sources! Thank you!