[fly]潘美票 ~ 第一位[/fly]
Pan Mei has gone up 1%
Congratulations, Pan Mei!
愛情蒲公英~ ~ 你最愛的女歌手歌曲
我曾用心愛著你 - 潘美辰 30%
http://www.msn.com.hk/msnlive/warner/作者: Judith 时间: 2003-11-7 19:08:28 标题: Name of the Game!
I am given to understand that -----
the session for this voting is completed.
And I am truly glad that Pan Mei has gone up to the first position finally.
The last time I visited the site and I learned that Pan Mei claimed 31%,
Outdoing all other female singers!
Maybe these days Pan Mei will never mind at all about name of the fame,
As it is just a game!
Yet being her loyal and die-hard fan,
I still feel happy about the outcome!
And I am sure that -----
It is out of the full supports from her die-hard and loyal fans!
Can you feel it, Pan Mei?
Wishing Pan Mei all the best in her days ahead!