潘美辰說,她以前唱包場,價錢比較高,可是場次相對就不會太多,現在唱拼盤秀,價錢沒有個唱高,但是場子多到應接不暇,一年大約可以唱到五十場,四年來唱了超過兩百場以上,場次創下華人女歌手的紀錄。作者: Judith 时间: 2003-3-26 23:28:49 标题: The Charming Eagle is courageous!
Luckily I also purchased a copy of today's 自由時報,
At the Star Ferries Pier, TsimShaTsui, Hong Kong!
When I read through words from words and lines between lines,
I feel sad, yet at the same time I feel proud of Pan Mei!
The Charming Eagle is courageous!
Pan Mei is my forever idol!