(my note : in fact, all internet articles are mostly the same, I believe the aim of them is mainly to promote Jordan Chan's upcoming concert in Hong Kong!)
Yet, this piece of news also disclose that Pan Mei is participating in this charity event! Good for you, Pan Mei! 作者: Judith 时间: 2019-4-29 01:55:32
Whilst anticipating the release of the MV 《愛的陽光》, let's review some old articles on Pan Mei's "Heart of Gold" :
► 視頻 (06:49) 華語群星 - 愛的陽光(官方版MV) 百位明星攜手助殘大型公益歌曲《愛的陽光》,歌曲旋律簡單易上口,歌詞以大愛、融合、共用表達了新時代人文面貌,不僅激勵所有殘疾朋友樂觀、進取的精神,同時也呼籲全社會更多的關注、幫助弱勢群體,以人間本善大愛共創美好未來;讓世界永遠充滿希望、關愛與平等。 華語流行原創頻道 Published on May 8, 2019