20141019我的明星好友 - 鐵漢至尊徐乃麟經歷過唱片不賣、戲劇不叫座的失敗之後,在主持圈發光發熱,佔據綜藝天王地位!
預告視頻 (00:30) published on Oct 13, 2014
鐵漢至尊徐乃麟經歷過唱片不賣、戲劇不叫座的失敗之後,在主持圈發光發熱,佔據綜藝天王地位!在主持工作上以雷厲風行的高效率態度著名,私底下碰到媽媽、太太和孩子,卻有不為人知的柔情一面。想更加認識這位風靡演藝圈的帥大叔乃哥嗎?敬請鎖定10/19週日晚間10點【我的明星好友】 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOtATNjwuRI
My remarks : It is noticed that the time is changed from 20:30 to 22:00! But in the promotional clip which states the showing time is still 20:30!作者: Judith 时间: 2014-10-17 18:46:30
My remarks: I upload this photo for reference as it also consists of the taking of it as early as 07:17 of 2014.08.14.作者: Judith 时间: 2014-10-20 10:26:41