而潘美辰称六年前在纽约被Joanna的歌声吸引,之后就合作一齐登台及推出新专辑。问到潘美辰可与Joanna擦出爱火花?潘美辰笑言:“我们两个很相爱。”但Joanna却鬼马说:“I Don't Know。”之后Joanna才说“I Love You Very Much。”而潘美辰指Joanna似小朋友,因很多事情都不懂,自己似Mother般照顾,Joanna则冲口而出说似“Father”。
潘美辰透露,今次演出会混合新旧歌曲,又笑言会同Joanna Moon以魔鬼同天使造型见观众。谈到与相识六年的拍档是否擦出爱,佢话:「我们当然相爱,我跟工作人员及家人都充满爱。」又以英文问Joanna Moon是否爱自己,Joanna Moon错愕咗一阵,先至话:「I love You very much。」
打头阵献唱慨潘美辰,继续同绯闻女友Joanna Moon喺台上晒恩爱,二人合唱《我怎么可以》后,Joanna Moon用英语向潘美辰示爱说﹕「I love Hong Kong very much,有机会在红馆演唱好感动,感谢天、感谢潘美辰,她从来没有变老过,令我梦想成真。I love you﹗」随即紧抱对方。
第一场时,潘美辰当众向女友Joanna示爱,尾场由Joanna示爱,她想讲给全世界知道,潘美辰没有老过,就像天使。她说:“I love you.”话毕两人即时拥抱。演唱会后各歌手出席庆功宴,潘美辰表示完成演唱会后心情兴奋,对于与女友互相示爱,是否承认恋情?她表示跟人相熟也可以说爱你,如果爱只有爱情就太俗气;不过别人怎么说没关系。她表示三年前与Joanna组成了一对组合,之后在内地巡迴演出,她都希望稍后能在港举行演唱会。
潘美辰继头场当众向女友Joanna moon示爱之后,前晚(8月17日)由女友向她示爱。Joanna用英文说:“我想讲给全世界知道,潘美辰没有老过,她就像天使,I love you!”语毕两人拥抱。潘美辰被问到与女友互相示爱,是否承认恋情?她说:“我跟你熟也可以说爱你,如果爱只有爱情就太俗气了,不过别人怎么说也没关系。”她与女友3年前组成了组合,一直在内地巡回演出,她希望把演唱会带到香港。罗时丰忆述了当年梅艳芳曾鼓励他,他献唱《女人花》向对方致敬。(颖颖)
尖沙咀東部麼地道69號帝苑酒店 the Royal Garden Hotel
01. I have no idea that the press conference was held June 4th 2013 at the Royal Garden Hotel. When nearer to the date of the concerts I visited the hotel if by luck I would come across her. I was disappointed, none of the singers spotted there.
02. On August 15, 2013, one day prior to the concert, I tried my luck again visiting the Hong Kong Colesium in the afternoon to see if I would see her, presuming she would be doing her rehearsal. Until almost 7 in the evening it rained rather hard and I was disappointed again. Nonetheless, I heard the singing of Tomorrow would be a Better Day 《明天會更好》 and Eagle & Moon sang 《我怎麼可以》.
03. I saw some singers leaving, but no sight of her. I met Wong On whom I asked about her. He told me she had already left. I asked about the hotel they stayed. He told me they all stayed at the Harbour Plaza Metropolis Hotel 都會海逸酒店. I also asked him to convey my regards to her and kindly enough, he promised so!